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Shows and Elections

Writer's picture: jennihornejennihorne

Saturday I took the trek up to Wild Oats and Billy Goats to be a guest artist set up outside the gallery. I love this manager ever and the other girls working always so very kind. And all the I love being up on the walls with such talented folks. It's an honor for sure. #luckygirl

Anyhoo...I was locked and loaded Saturday. And then on the way this happens.

Urghhhhh....2 things can ruin an artist's mood on an outdoor show day: rain and wind. By themselves or hand in hand, so let's just say my mood was a teensy bit damped on the way up.

And then my car had some crazy indicator light like my car is peeing all it's brake fluid out. I mean seriously? Sigh.....

But have no fear...I made it. And it wasn't really raining in Decatur, Georgia. Woohoo.....I had my super cute outfit on and favorite gecko necklace around my neck so I was determined to let go of the yuck and focus on the shine.

All ready for friends! I love show days. Interacting with customers about my work is like icing on a cake. (which btw is my favorite part of cake.)

Mother and daughter happy customers!

I also worked on some small abstracts. It was such a nice way to pass the time. Sitting outside with all my favorite art surrounding me to inspire. I tell ya I feel like they are my friends. Cheering me on and acting all shiney bright so someone will pick them to go home and grace their walls. Sales were going great. Several smalls and the 2 big ones above. And then.....

ABC decided to declare a president as the winner and the little town of Decatur which is very peace, love and liberal came out in DROVES to celebrate. It was a tad interesting to be in the middle of it all. Lots of people, lots of honking cars, and lots of joy. And hey...I was happy for these folks. put a halt on the show. NO one could get to us because of the traffic. And honestly it was a little scary being in the parking spaces with so many cars going by. So we packed up. And went home.


But as I reflect on the day it was something as an artist I really needed. The push to create. To have an end goal. To reach it, surpass it really. To know my work honors my heart and curiosity to create. That it resonates with others. One of the best compliments I received that day was from a jewelry artist set up who said something like this....I've been around awhile doing art shows and I have never seen anything like yours. You need to keep going. It's definitely special.

DANG GURL. SHINE on...that is what I intend to do friends.



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